How the magic happens….ok its not magic..

Christmas is only 23 days away!! I did do a ton of Christmas soap at the beginning of November, but I’m out.  Customers are getting antsy about it, and its driving me crazy too!  So…I will be soaping for about a week straight trying to get caught up. These soaps will be ready barely in time! Whew….

Butter cream and Snickerdoodle Soap


I get asked the question “how do you make it?” at least twice a day so I want to show you. This is not me teaching you because I do not feel qualified to do that. I can refer you to The Soap Queen for education on soap making.  This is meant to be a simple “ah ha!”  into how its done.


Here goes……First step!




First we mix the lye (while wearing safety equipment) and let the lye water cool…..





Then we measure out the oils very carefully.



I pick out my colors and fragrances next.  It is important to have everything ready and set out, because things start moving FAST once mixing begins.



Once we mix for about 2 min the batter starts to look like cookie batter (but don’t eat!) we call this the “trace”  and I add my colors and fragrance at medium trace.



Once I reach full trace, I pour the soap batter into a lined mold. I swirled this batch, that will have to be a whole different post on how that’s done. After the pour then “I wrap up my baby and put it to bed”….Soap saying for shrink wrap or cover and wrap with towels to cure for 24 hours before unmolding.


-Thanks my sweet Lindee for helping me with this post!

6 responses

  1. Thank you for the quick lesson, Sarah. I’ve always wondered how soap was made. And since I absolutely LOVE your soaps, now they won’t be quite as much of a mystery . . . and still so appreciated. I need to order more. Thank you!!!

  2. Are you going to have more soaps in your etsy shop anytime soon? I purchased several bars at the holiday boutique in November and would like to order more. I LOVE it!!

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